Will you ever forgive the long hiatus? New Year's resolution: I will blog harder. There's so much to tell as well. I'll have to do some retro-blogging to fill you in.
First of all, we hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I think ours was the best ever! One glorious event after another. Carols at la Maison verte, Christmas eve in the cave at Hans and Christa's, the all-day fest at Lizzie and Ali's on the 25th complete with quick-fire rounds of "Who am I?" Our team kicked some butt. Competitive? Not much! New Year's eve we gathered round Alex's table for a splendid meal. I could go on. Warmest thanks to all our friends and loved ones for a golden fortnight.
There was a highly anticipated event this year. Cendrillon (Cinderella), the first-ever British pantomime in French. Written, conceived and produced by our powerhouse of a pal, Nicola Russell. It ran for 10 glorious performances in Pézenas with not one empty seat! Surely the most successful show the Théatre Illustre has ever presented. (Pou's claws were out when he heard mice were involved).

A star was born. Here he is folks, the Major Dome with the mostest at the ball, none other than Justin Gosling (aka Freddie) in his golden boots.

And signing autographs on the last night!

The French don't have a tradition of sending Christmas cards, but they do send them for the New Year. My French teacher Christiane says you can send them throughout the month of January, but then no more. Squeaking in just under the wire, Henny and I wish everyone nos meilleurs voeux pour le nouvel an. Much happiness and good health to all!
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