
Wintering in Roujan

At TopTop on Boxing Day, Henny woke up and realized, we have a day and a half clear of engagements. We should move into this house for the rest of the holidays. Well, why not? I've been holding out on you...we have a kitchen! It was installed in late November. Not yet completely accessorized, but otherwise fully operational. Enough counterspace for tandem cooking, currently with noses buried deep in instruction manuals.

We packed up several car loads of belongings and groceries, the last featuring a maowing cat. Pou was finally coming to the new house for the first time. He popped out of his travel box, initially ecstatic he wasn't at the vet's. Then it quickly dawned this wasn't Kansas anymore. A lot of exploratory sniffing would be required, best alternated with hiding in the cupboard.

We're all getting used to staying here. Henny and Pou have been in residence ever since, enjoying new mod cons like heaters and a television. TopTop is becoming a home at last!

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