On the 18th of July the Tour de France blew right through the centre of Roujan for the first time in 50 years. What excitement! I can only hope that when my other home town, London, hosts the Olympics in 2012 it will be half as thrilling!
We gathered up early to get our lawn chairs and watercoolers into prime position. The whole hazarai was passing practically at the foot of Le Couvent. Rue de l'Eglise was closed and therefore ripe for our takeover. I do like my theatre seats close. Today we were front and centre.

As Lizzie explained so well in her blog, way before the cyclists whoosh by, the hour-long advertising caravan passes through, pitching free samples your way if you're lucky or willing to trample your neighbours. I always think if you're a well-connected, good-looking 20-something
français or
française, it must be the dream summer job to travel with
Le Tour for the month. Certainly the kids on the floats always look like they've partied hard the night before. Just as well Health & Safety keeps them harnessed on.

Once the caravan passes, there's a wait of a couple of hours before the cyclists flash by in a colourful, lycra-clad, testosterone-heady moment. The first warning is the sound of the helicopters coming closer. I got the riders on video, but the large file doesn't want to load on the blog. So I'll leave you with this big guy instead. It was a great day, not least because we got to enjoy it with so many of our friends!