
The Big Push

For Henny's birthday, a gang was going to celebrate at Les Goutailles, one of our favourite local restaurants. We decided to have an apéro at TopTop first, determined it would be a building site no more. An almighty push was on to get the place looking presentable for its thus-far biggest-ever audience.

Josh and Michelle tamed the weeds. The man with van we hired to move furniture stored in Henny's garage for the past 18 months, couldn't, at last minute. Teddy & Nicola kindly and ably stepped in with their trusty remorque. We held our breath as the huge couch bumped along country roads and then just about squeeked through the front gate. It was unveiled for the first time since leaving Devon two years ago, happily surviving unscathed.

J de P came to hang art which made an immediate impact. The painting by Dominque Caby was bought nearly 4 years ago. Lizzie & Ali have been safe-guarding it ever since, from dust and builders' mess, during both little French house renovations. Now in its new home at last.

A proper kitchen is still only a twinkle in our eyes, but here's looking into the living room from where it will be. Chairs bought before Kate & John had the sofa recovered, pure coincidence.

A splash of colour in the bedroom.

It took us forever to prepare the marble tiles in the bathroom. Now they're finally sealed, first showers were taken. Divine! The well-travelled fish that came from AL & Liz's ceramics gallery in Toronto so long ago have finally made it out of the bubble pack.

Seeing it all come together was thrilling. Thanks to everyone who helped, especially to Henny, who's done more than anyone, and who lent her birthday as the excuse. It felt like about 5 birthdays rolled into one for me.

Happy 15th Poppy

Poppy was whisked away from basketball practice for a quasi-surprise BBQ on Greg and Alex's glorious terrace. Wonder if Poppy, an ace-player, wouldn't rather have been shootin' hoops with her mates? Too bad. We selfishly kept her all to ourselves, savouring the moment. Now well into her teens, how much longer before she finds us all completely un-cool?

Living in the south of France, Poppy masterfully pops a champagne cork without spilling a drop.

Greg and Alex have an amazing wrap-around terrace. There's Alex manning the fire in the distance. Yes, that's still the same house!

What's the secret behind those deliciously tender chops? (Every possible pun intended.) The meal was yummy. Afterwards it was time for games. The devil himself was there.

Poppy's birthday on the 5th of May kicks off the summer birthday season. It was the first time we could comfortably sit out all evening under a starry sky. Thank you Poppy for giving up basketball for us, and thank you all for a marvellous evening.


The Diving Bench

The last time I dived was in the clear turquoise waters of the Seychelles over 5 years ago. Soon afterwards, I signed for the first Little French House. I didn't immediately realize the two would be mutually exclusive, but I haven't managed a dive since. My gear's been collecting dust. This year I decided it had to go before it became completely worthless.

Watching wistfully as, piece by piece, my kit went out the door, I was comforted by keeping my eyes on the prize -- transforming my diving equipment into garden furniture. So as my drysuit wended its way to Krakow, this bench was being delivered in Roujan.

And here we are. As Lizzie and Ali said, two old dears on a bench. A wonderful, sturdy teak bench which should bear a brass plaque: Kindly donated by my diving career.

Henny's Terrace

Flying in on the 1st of May, the pilot announced, "The weather in the Béziers area is, well, perfect." And he was right. Warm and sunny. Poppies everywhere. Fresh asparagus. May is one of my favourite months. Henny's terrace is an ideal place to enjoy spring.

That is until Pou brings a lizard into the house to play, the wriggly green legs and tail a stark contrast hanging out of his black mouth. Whenever possible, Henny operates a strict catch and release policy. I'm sorry there are no photos. It all happens lightning fast, in a controlled chaotic kind of way with a glass and a piece of paper. All recently stunned reptiles were rescued and returned to the safety of the thick ivy.

When lizard stalking is over, tranquility returns and it's time for a nap in a favourite chair.